Monday, October 4, 2010


Well now that I have been back in Cyprus for a little over a week, I am starting to get settled in. After arriving home from Italy, I woke up the next morning to go volunteer with this organization called Peace Players. The Organization works with uniting children from the Greek side of the island with children from the Turkish side of the Island through basketball. This particular event was called the Peace Day Basketball tournament. We spent the day helping with the tournament by taking score, coaching, and interacting with the children. This will hopefully steer some of these children away from holding the same biases that the older Cypriots hold against each other.

Later that night, we decided to check out a new club around the corner. It was a lot of fun and probably one of out new places. 

the roomie and me 

The rest of the week was filled with classes starting (which don't seem as though they will keep me very busy this semester) and nights mostly spent at our favorite sports bar down the street watching lots of football. Thursday night the roomies and a few of my other favorites made a bowl of Sangria and met up with some others to go check out a free concert at school. It was fun to see all the other students on campus. We then ended up at the boys place all hanging out and playing games. Friday was Cyprus Independence Day, so we did some shopping and came back to get ready to go out and celebrate with the Cypriots. One of the clubs was hosting a Welcome Back to School Party so we all made our way there to meet some other students in the area, which was a blast.

Friday night

 The Saturday morning six of us (Cassidy, Kyle, Ravi, Nickk, Mindi, and I) headed out for an adventure. We crossed over to the Turkish side of the Cyprus and got a bus to their major beach area Kyrenia. We eventually found a secluded cove on the beach that we decided would be perfect for camping. So we spent the night on the beach swimming and laughing more than I probably have since I got here. THe Turkish side is so much nicer than expected and I loved it more than a lot of this side of the Island. It was great to just get away from the city with some of my favorite people here and just relax on a quiet beautiful beach on the Mediterranean. Now it's time for another week of classes. I miss you all so so much and wish yall could be here, because as of now I don't want to ever come home.. love and miss you all <3 Kyle has better pictures of camping so I will add those pictures tonight.. 

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